Learn best cooking techniques to make customers happy


Best Cooking Techniques

Hello friends and welcome too our new blog posts. Best hotel in Lucknow is here to share best cooking techniques of preparing food. Today we will talk about the cooking techniques so let’s proceed with the Moist Heat Cooking methods, the most popular techniques that fall under this category are Boiling, Poaching or Simmering, Frying and Stewing.

1.      Boiling- Well, this is the simplest method of cooking ever-known. Food item is submerged in water and set in heat. The heat boils up the water which in turns cooks the food in it. The water is discarded after cooking and the food is consumed. 

Boiling tender vegetables or even poultry, forces their internal juices and nutrients out from their body into the water which gets discarded at the end. Therefore, practically we get the only the fiber devoid of any nutrients. Now to make it a little more healthy, these days we cook in exact amount of water such that it gets absorbed into the food and need not be discarded. 


2.      Poaching and simmering- Though these are two different techniques but with the slightest difference, therefore, I clubbed them together in a single pointer. Again, this technique has a lot of similarity with boiling.  https://hotelranbirs.com/

Water is then set to heat and the temperature is risen just a point below the boiling point. Food item is then added to the liquid and heat is lowered such that the water doesn’t boil but just transfer its heat to the food item cooking it in the process. 

Food items is then submerged and cooked in the same way as that of poaching. The main difference in poaching and simmering is in the temperature of the water used as the medium. Simmering is suitable for fibrous veggies.


3.      Frying- By far, this is the most favorite cooking technique in Indian kitchens and it is believed to deliver the tastiest dishes ever. Frying can be sub-divided into three formats- Stir-fry, Shallow-fry and Deep-fry. 

Stir-fry is the healthiest in the lot. It involves smearing the pan with very little oil and then adding the veggies or meat and fry them by constantly stirring them in high heat. Fresh herbs, spices and acidic agents are thrown in between to add flavor to the dish. Exotic vegetables like broccoli, zucchini, peppers, baby corn, mushroom and also chicken and poultry are cooked using this technique.

Shallow fry involves a little more oil but something that doesn’t fully cover the food item to be cooked. In this technique the food item is allowed to get cooked one side at a time by flipping over and over. 

Cooking is less of following hard set techniques and more of fun. Mixing and matching techniques give rise to new techniques and adds different flavor to the food. 

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